
Groups now forming!

  • Marriage Booster

    In this class we focus on what we women can do on our part to create a happy, thriving marriage relationship. We discuss healthy communication and our own emotional awareness, leading to greater satisfaction and connection. Included is how to negotiate the strain of parenting when it affects the marriage. Women gain compassion for both themselves and their husbands, along with tools to maximize their relationship, and a renewed energy to work through whatever challenges they face.

    4 sessions

  • Social Dynamics

    This course addresses how to foster social confidence and success in our children. This includes empowering kids to make healthy social choices, prevent bullying, and navigate the ups and downs of friendships at various ages. Moms gain a clear understanding of social dynamics, as well as their own role as parents in regard to their kids’ social activity. With this clarity and practical techniques, parents are able to give their children invaluable skills for life.

    6 sessions

  • Self-Confidence

    We explore how to build confidence in our children at all ages. We learn ways to value and empower all different types of kids, and techniques to prevent and manage anxiety. Parents leave this course with clear direction on how to foster success in the various aspects of their children’s lives, AND they feel greater self-confidence in their own role as a mother!

    4 sessions

  • Parenting All Personalities

    We learn how to appreciate the personalities of all our kids, including ones that are harder for us. We also discuss how to respond in a healthy way to uncomfortable emotions like frustration, anger, fear and disappointment. Moms come out of the course with a more relaxed feeling toward each of their children, a deeper understanding of why some kids just seem to push their buttons, and renewed energy and empathy that strengthen all their relationships in the home.

    4 sessions

  • Money and Materialism

    We tackle the rarely discussed issue of money and materialism in parenting. We address what to do when faced with fads, requests beyond our comfort zone, and other tough calls. Many of us grew up without clear direction in this area, and that coupled with societal pressure can leave us feeling anxious around this basic life issue. This course provides much-needed clarity regarding where to draw the line, including how to relate to our children’s purchasing. You can feel confident to make choices that reflect your values, and give over a healthy approach to money to the next generation.

    4 sessions

  • Parenting the Marrieds

    This course covers the various joys and challenges of this next stage of life. We discuss how to pull off the balancing act of married children, grandchildren, and the single children living at home or away. Each presents different challenges and the relationships have matured and changed. It’s not always easy to navigate it all and you are still only one person! With realistic expectations and clear priorities we see how you can remain a pillar of strength for your growing family.

    3 sessions

So many ways to grow.