Growing slowly

Whether it’s a New Year’s resolution, a Rosh Hashana commitment, or a sudden determination to quit eating sugar, inspiration tends to come in grand visions: I’m never going to speak critically to my husband, I’ll always be patient with my kids, I will exercise every day from now on. But while inspiration is grand, lasting growth is usually accomplished in small steps. Think refraining from speaking negatively for half an hour every Friday night, implementing one simple cooperation technique during the supper rush, adding a short exercise routine to whatever you’re already doing. These types of changes profoundly improve your habits, and eventually your instincts, paving the way for continued incremental growth. While the results may not yet seem dramatic, they give you fuel to maintain what you gained.

Even if we understand this logically, we still have a problem. Small steps are not inherently energizing! While grand leaps are powered by inspiration, small steps require patience and faith in the process. We don’t necessarily feel like we’re actually doing anything. Small steps also don’t get a lot of praise from others, as they are often not immediately apparent. You can remind yourself that any measure of authentic change is an enormous accomplishment.

So let’s try to make use of both approaches: we can harness grand inspiration for its energy boost, that long-term vision that reminds us it’s worth the effort. At the same time, we can embrace our human-ness and recognize when the only way to get there is slowly. One step at a time.


Soul Purpose

